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Duane Dichiara

Jantz Appointed To Taxpayer Board

Hey they forgot blogger for Flashreport and Red County…

La Mesa resident Barry Jantz, CEO of the Grossmont Healthcare District, has been appointed to the San Diego County Taxpayers Association board. Jantz, who joined the district in 2004, served as a member of the La Mesa City Council for four terms from 1990 to 2006. He was chief of staff to former Assemblyman Jay La Suer and was a public affairs consultant. He previously worked for 18 years in the facilities development department for Kaiser Permanente.

Congratulations, Barry…

One Response to “Jantz Appointed To Taxpayer Board”

  1. Says:

    Thanks, Duane.

    The Daily Business Report notice was slightly amiss. All due respect to my friend, the very able Valory Mitchell, who was La Suer’s COS…I was the District COS. I think Assembly Rules prefers District Director. Whatever!