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Jon Fleischman

No on 93 TV Ad (93 is the Perata/Nunez Term-Limits End Run)

Check out this KABC news footage about the unexplainable and lavish lifestyle enjoyed by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, all at the expense of his campaign donors…

It you had any questions about why term-limits are a good thing, this would be it. Nunez has completely lost his sense of propriety in terms of prudent use of campaign funds.

The video is about two minutes long, but the best images are after the half-way point, with Nunez literally running away from the camera, as the reporter is asking him to explain all of his outrageous and lavish expenditures… (there is more below the video)

La Opiniòn
(Article was translated from Spanish)
October 6, 2007
By: Jorge Morales Almada

Overwhelmed by questions from the mass media, requesting comments on his luxurious over seas trips, Assembly President of California, Fabian Nùñez, left the downtown hotel through the kitchen, after giving a speech at the 2nd National Latino Conference.

As soon as he finished speaking, Nùñez stepped down from the platform, and escorted by his various supporters, he immediately left the main ballroom.

The door that led to the kitchen of the hotel was protected by security agents so that the reporters could not question him, but the guards and supporters could not stop the dozen journalists who shouted out their questions.

(h/t to the California Republican Party for the LO article, online here…)