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Barry Jantz

Sanders Polling

H/T to Blog of SD’s Pat Flannery for having it first and to "Mighty Thor" at Red County SD for making it graphically user-friendly….here is some data from a McLaughlin and Associates poll on Mayor Jerry Sanders:

Much resulting fodder on Red County as to whether this constitutes the entire poll or not, who commissioned it (GOP? Steve Francis? Donna Frye? Labor Council?, yadda, yadda?) and just what is Pat Flannery’s agenda in publishing it.

As much as Flannery has against Sanders, that last one’s a laugh, unless folks are afraid of information.  If the definition of a liberal is someone who posts information that Republicans don’t like, ok, count me as a liberal.

Yes, I too would’ve liked to see the results of a straight up question on the likely/potential candidates.  But, that’s partly why we have polling…so we can take it in, ignore it, criticize it, laugh it off, and/or debate it, depending on how it paints our own personal agendas.