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Jon Fleischman

Mindy Fletcher: “Solutions Day” is coming to your neighborhood…

FR friend Mindy Fletcher has spent a couple of months now working hard on an important program — one in which we hope that many FR readers will participate.  Here is a note from Mindy…

Do an informal survey of your Republican friends as to which Republican leader  has the brightest and most innovative ideas and one name always tops the list—Newt Gingrich.  I had the privilege of being on Capitol Hill in 1994 when Newt Gingrich through the power of ideas, helped Republicans win control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years.  As a young Press Secretary on the Hill, I watched as this history professor transformed government and brought about real change to issues such as welfare reform, a balanced budget, and the list goes on and on.  Newt convinced voters to put their trust in a reform-minded group of elected officials who managed to make great strides in government.

Now as we look at our government and the many important issues that need our focus, wouldn’t it be nice to have a platform of common sense, yet bold ideas to transform government that we could take to the American people?

Well – Newt Gingrich is once again giving us that chance.  He has started an organization called American Solutions where he is bringing together elected officials, candidates, opinion leaders and citizens to transform our government. 

With a focus on real change, he is bringing forward the best solutions to our most important issues in an effort to make these solutions a reality.  Under the mantra – Real Change Requires Real Change – he is building a nationwide effort of people who want to make difference in their government.

On Saturday, September 29, you will have a chance to participate in this effort.  Either by attending or hosting a Solutions Day workshop you can help to spread the word.  We already have over 100 Solutions Day events scheduled in California.  You can find out more, sign up, or find an event in your area by going here..

Think about it—one day to engage with leaders across America to help identify solutions to the biggest challenges our state, country, and world face today.

We hope you will participate in what promises to be a fun and exciting day of solutions. 

Mindy Tucker Fletcher