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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: The Dirty Dozen

Borrowing the title from the 60’s movie classic to describe some bills fits the end of the ’07 legislative session.  The movie depicted Lee Marvin leading a group of convicts to run a high risk mission in WW II Europe, played by Charlie Bronson, Telly Savalas, Jim Brown and others, bad guys doing a good thing.  Sort of a reversal of likable people proposing bad things legislatively.  Let’s talk about 12 of ’em or so in no particular order.

SB 924-The Iraq war pullout advisory measure.  
A ploy that would be placed on the February ballot to have voters tell the President to quit "the occupation" of Iraq, seen as a way to drive up voter turnout for the Term Limit Extension measure.  

Status: Thankfully it has just freshly been vetoed by the Guv.

The Crazy 8’s

ACA 8-Eminent Domain.  
After the legislature has ignored true EmDo reform for 2 years, Prop, 90 came too close for comfort for land grabbers.  This was an effort by the main opponents of 90 to deflect the issue and put a measure on the ballot with very little new protection for homes, churches, and zip for farms and small business…so voters think it’s all fixed and make it go away.  The initiative by Jarvis-Farm Bureau-CAPPPR will fix it right.

**There is more – click the link**

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