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Jon Fleischman

Democrats pull out of talks for redistricting reform…

Senator Don Perata took the lead in pulling hte plug on redistricting reform.  So, unless a redistricting reform measure qualifies for the ballot via signature petitions, don’t look for it on the ballot next year.

Of course, it is now full-speed ahead to kill the Perata/Nunez Term Limits Weakening Initiative that is on the February ballot.  If we aren’t going to have fair districts, the last thing we need to four and six more years of Perata and Nunez, respectively.

These guys need to go find jobs in the private sector, where they cannot torture the taxpayers anymore.

4 Responses to “Democrats pull out of talks for redistricting reform…”

  1. Says:

    Question: Has Perata/Nunez ever been employed in the private sector in their life?

    My hunch tells me NO.

  2. Says:

    Perata was a High School teacher before being hired by the late Assemblyman Robert W. Crown

  3. Says:

    Speaker Nunez worked for the Cal Labor Federation, and grew up working in his father’s landscaping business.

  4. Says:

    They’re both union stooges? Who could have guessed that?