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Jill Buck

McCain: The Winner of the CRP Convention

It isn’t everyday that you get to shake hands with a man who put on the uniform of his country, suffered for years under tortuous, vicious enemy soldiers, and emerged grateful to his nation and to God, devoting his life to serving both. I got to do that today. I met John McCain.

Being in his presence for just a moment made me weak in the knees. Speaking with him for a few brief seconds reaffirmed everything that I know this nation and the GOP are capable of offering to the world. Those who know me best know that I do not engage in hero worship and am not star struck by anyone, but today was different. I met a real American hero. And as great as Senator McCain is…he thanked me for my service in the Navy. Unbelievable…honor and humility…what a an incredible comibination.

Before his luncheon speech today, we watched a video about the life of this Maverick. He’s led a life of leadership and in-your-face patriotism. He’s been a spitfire his entire life, and an inspiration to all those fortunate to know him. Senator McCain has endured tremendous physical pain and loss, and somehow in the midst of a crucible that would have broken a common man, he became stronger, more committed, and more willing to put to himself in harm’s way for the country he loves so dearly.

But patriotism and valor are not enough to be Commander-in-Chief, though they should be prerequisites. Brilliance and resolve…those are the qualities that put Senator McCain in a class by himself in the 2008 Presidential race.

I’ve heard Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney speak at CRP conventions. Governor Romney was polished, funny and every bit the CEO. Mayor Giuliani was a quick learner…the more one says “support the troops” and invokes the memory of President Reagan, the more applause one receives from the CRP conventioneers. Either one would make a fitting Vice President.

Today, we met the only man fit to be the Commander-in-Chief and leader of the free world. Senator McCain had the same fire in his eyes that he did as a young Naval Aviator. He spoke with the passion of man leading a nation at war. He demonstrated perfect clarity in outlining the greatest threats to our nation and modern civilization, and a plan to courageously prevail against those threats.

He lacked the arrogance of the untested and unknowing Presidential candidates who have not risked life and limb for this nation. He lacked the grandiose rhetoric of those who have no blood, no offspring invested in this fight. He spoke as a loving father, as a wounded Veteran, as a leader called to ensure that the civilization we have spent centuries building will be preserved for our posterity.

Men like John McCain are rare.. What was clear was that the women in his life had a profound impact on him, in shaping a well-rounded set of character traits. His mother was in the pre-speech video, and she was the first person he mentioned. He told the story of how his 95 year old mother recently fulfilled a dream to visit Paris. Upon arriving there, they told her she was too old to rent a car…so she bought one! Clearly, her spunk, energy and unwillingness to accept artificial obstacles have been transferred to her amazing son.

I couldn’t help but think of my own son and daughters, each of whom have expressed a desire to serve in the military. I pray that I can give each of them what Mrs. McCain gave the Senator, because I can’t imagine anything that would make me more fulfilled as a mother than seeing my children grow up to be just like him. And if I had my choice, there is no other person I’d rather have as their Commander-in-Chief…I wouldn’t choose to entrust their lives to anyone else, because I believe that if he sent them to fight, it would be honorable, just and necessary.

As a Republican, as a Veteran, and as a mother, I pledge my unfailing support to Senator John McCain. May God bless him and keep him…and may Bin Laden never get a good night’s sleep after January 20, 2009.

One Response to “McCain: The Winner of the CRP Convention”

  1. Says:

    All I noticed was everyone trying to give tickets away for Mr. “Straight Talk”.