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Jon Fleischman

Key State GOP Committee Unanimously Opposed Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run

Just minutes ago the influential Initiatives Committee of the California Republican Party voted unanimously to recommend that delegates put the GOP on record as opposing the Nunez- Perata scheme to extend their time in office. This action means that it would take a 2/3 vote of the full committee to change this recommendation!


Those present got to see the lively debate between myself and fellow FR blogger, Senator Jim Battin. FR friend Assemblyman Bob Huff weighed in on behalf of my resolution.


Also of note, the committee has also recommended that delegates support the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act, as well as to oppose the efforts (both legislative as ACA 8 and as a threatened initiative) by the redevelopment industry and the League of Cities.


All great news!

One Response to “Key State GOP Committee Unanimously Opposed Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run”

  1. Says:

    Glad the GOP went on record supporting a tainted ballot measure… that will no doubt be defeated at the ballot box. Wait ’til voters learn that leading water groups like ACWA say the Jarvis measure threatens future water projects – at a time when we’re facing water shortages and potential rationing.

    And wait until urban voters are told about the anti-rent control provisions (the true purpose of this initiative by the way) that will kick little old ladies and veterans out of housing they can afford…

    Nothing like having those blinders on.