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Barry Jantz

More San Diego COS Changes

As noted here a couple of weeks ago, Shaun Flanigan recently left as Assemblyman George Plescia’s chief of staff, replaced by Janelle Riella.  

The scoop today is that COS Chip Englander is leaving Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s employ, hooking up with Mercury Public Affairs next month.  Mercury is a part of the Fleishman-Hillard International Communications network (not the same spelling as the FR publisher’s last name).  Steve Schmidt, former campaign manager for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a Mercury partner and runs the Sacramento office.  Another partner is Terry Nelson (former Bush-Cheney national political director).  Many even say that Mercury houses the single largest collection of major Republican campaign consultants in America.
Chip, who will be moving to New York City to work out of the main Manhattan office, says "I’m deeply saddened to move on, but I’m getting married this month and this opportunity is too incredible to pass up.  Assemblyman Anderson is a conservative who’s doing phenomenal things…I’ve really enjoyed my opportunity to work with him, and look forward to continued friendship in the years ahead."

Anderson, not yet decided on a new COS, says "Chip is highly respected in Sacramento and his shoes will be difficult to fill.  He’s a great friend and I’m very proud of him."

Best wishes, Chip!