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Jon Fleischman

A big “shout out” to our GOP legislators for holding firm against ACA 8

I am not sure what it is about the message "we’re not interested" that the League of Cities and the redevelopment lobby just don’t get about the desire for Republicans to have real, comprehensive Kelo reform.  That is why there is so much support for the Jarvis-backed measure that WILL be on the ballot last year.  Unlike ACA 8 which only protects some property owners, but not all property owners (and the property owners it does protect does not enjoy protections for all of his or her potential property), the real solution is already headed for the ballot.

It is understandable the the redevelopment lobby has hired a boatload of consultants and lobbyists to try and work over Republican members in order to place the faux-reform on the ballot — this measure would make it really hard to pass a real fix.

The FlashReport would like to commend our Republican legislators for holding firm on this very important issue.  The time to ‘negotiate’ on ACA 8 is past — as soon as the coalition behind the "pure" reform made it clear that they have raised the necessary funds to go to the ballot, the need to settle for 1/4 of a loaf went away.

Of course the redevelopment industry will fight to its last breath — the goal here, frankly, is to take away their power to roll over private property owners — a power they are loathe to surrender.