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Barry Jantz

Hollingsworth’s Take

Some may say the Budget vice-chair’s take is cautiously "post-partisan"-like, yet it is well-crafted and succinct.  It all comes down to one sentence:

"While this is a budget that has been brought under control and reflects our list of priorities sought in the negotiations, it is still one that will result inevitably in a near $5 billion deficit next year, and as such it is not one I wanted to affix my name to for posterity."

Here’s the full release:

Senator Hollingsworth Comments on the Passage of the State Budget

SACRAMENTO —- Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (R-Murrieta), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, made the following the statement after the passage of the budget today by the Legislature:

“This is the first time in my seven year legislative career that I’ve seen Republicans achieve so many of our budget priorities. With further clarification of the Governor’s blue penciling the spending plan to a zero operating deficit, we have achieved a budget that at least balances spending and revenues on paper. The bond dollars allocated in this budget will be spent in a fair and efficient manner, without pork barrel earmarks or threats of frivolous lawsuits. Yet, while this is a budget that has been brought under control and reflects our list of priorities sought in the negotiations, it is still one that will result inevitably in a near $5 billion deficit next year, and as such it is not one I wanted to affix my name to for posterity. Further, we all need to begin addressing next year’s looming fiscal problem–now, and not wait until we are so far into the budget that our options to balance it become fewer and more difficult.”