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Mike Spence

Is it time to recall Lou Correa?

Democrats have targeted Sen. Jeff Denham for a recall. Why have the Dems who were against the recall of Gray Davis doing this? Jeff won’t vote for an unbalanced budget.
How should Republicans respond?
Let’s recall Lou Correa. He barely won, in a district that is getting more GOP registrations. In a recall he can’t use third party campaigns like Otto Bade to distract voters. A recall of Correa would give voters a clear choice. Vote no on the recall and support ongoing unbalanced budgets or vote yes on the recall of good old Lou and send a message for balanced budgets.
Is there anybody out there willing to take this on?

4 Responses to “Is it time to recall Lou Correa?”

  1. Says:

    Mike: It should be worth looking into this.

  2. Says:

    I’ll walk a precinct for this.

  3. Says:

    Either Correra or Abel Maldonado

  4. Says:

    Keep us posted on the progress of your campaign.