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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. John Doolittle: Pro-Illegal Immigration Bill is Masquerades As A Health Care Bill

Congressman John Doolittle has penned this column for FlashReport readers:

Don’t let the Democrats fool you, while they campaigned on the promise to fix our broken immigration system, their first attempt at immigration reform was a bill that would have granted an estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants amnesty.  Months later, in a misguided bill that expands government-run health care to Americans with incomes higher than $80,000, the Democrats are attempting to provide illegal immigrants with health care.  

Ten years ago, Republicans in Congress and President Clinton enacted a health care program for poor children.  When we drafted that legislation, we specifically prohibited non-citizens from receiving benefits.  Today, the Democrat bill contains a dramatic liberalization of the citizenship requirements, which will result in illegal immigrants receiving government-paid health care.  Even worse, the Democrats are punishing those who are here legally by increasing taxes on nearly every single American, and cutting health benefits for 34,509 senior citizens in my congressional district alone who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, one of the most successful and popular Medicare programs used today. 

The original law also requires a five-year waiting period for new citizens, ensuring that only the ambitious and hard-working choose to come to our land of opportunity.  Unfortunately, this current bill eliminates this five-year waiting period, and allows benefits to be paid immediately.  Adding insult to injury, this bill also requires that the government (i.e. taxpayers), pay for translation services for Medicare applicants and participants, even though only U.S. citizens who have passed an English proficiency test qualify for Medicare.

I am proud to report that along with virtually all of my Republican colleagues, I voted against this legislation because I believe our national policies should eliminate magnets which draw illegal immigrants to our country.  This pro-illegal immigration bill is masquerading as a health care bill.  Republicans weren’t fooled, and I hope you weren’t either.

2 Responses to “U.S. Rep. John Doolittle: Pro-Illegal Immigration Bill is Masquerades As A Health Care Bill”

  1. Says:

    who says illegal immigrants aren’t getting benefits?

    they already are

    it starts with the baby

    when undocumented women have a baby, we pay for their natal care.

    live childbirths are the largest expense in california, outweighing all the 200 spending categories for medical disorders, such as cancer treatments, lung transplants, leukemia treatments, chronic illness and respiratory infections, etc…

    46% of all births in california occur on medi-cal.
    69% of these births are to hispanic women.
    43% of all births on medi-cal are to undocumented immigrants.

    but it doesn’t stop there at natal care

    the undocumented woman goes down to the customs and immigration and shows them proof that she has had a baby, and they reward her by giving her an immigration letter, and status which allows her to stay for humanitarian reasons

    although the woman is still an undocumented alien, because the customs and immigration has recognized her as a humanitarian case, so does the welfare department

    she is given a welfare benefits status known as PRUCOL or persons residing under color law.

    although it is not an immigration status recognized by customs and immigration, it allows the undocumented woman to qualify for a variety of welfare benefits.

    meanwhile, the “baby” itself, qualifies for food stamps and tanf
    (no questions asked). The undocumented woman fills out the paperwork, on behalf of her newly born american child.

    many employers do not recognize what documents are valid for employment in the state of california, and not only that, many undocumented people are knowingly hired by employers.

    if the undocumented woman decides to go to work. she qualifies for state sponsored child care – no questions asked.

    she is given the choice to allow a relative which could be an aunt, uncle, brother, sister or mom or dad to look after her baby.

    the relative is paid a check on behalf of the undocumented woman, without being subject to a background check.

    or the undocumented woman can get a friend to look after her baby, as an unlicensed care provider, and the state will pay for it, as long as the friend can pass a background check.

    background check?

    trustline the background checking company, does not check with customs and immigration to ensure that the person they are checking on is maintaining legal status in the country.

    over 40% of all illegal immigrants here in california, have some form of visa, and have overstayed their visa.

    so, there is a chance when a background check is performed the alien registration card is out of status.

    onto the next factor. either relatives or friends of the undocumented women can be paid up to $12.50 an hour for watching the child, by the state of california.

    which means our taxpayers, are paying undocumented women to go to work, and take our jobs while we pay their family money to watch their child.

    meanwhile, there is over 300,000 children on the waiting list for childcare, but no preference is given to american women or even visa holders, it’s based on the stated poverty level of the family.

    in 1997 over 45% of all the families recieving tanf in orange county, made fraudulent claims regarding their income.

    orange county, has one of the highest rates of illegal immigrant births in california, along with los angeles

    that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    many undocumented women, upgrade to a green card in time.

    who says there is not a path to citizenship?

    i have designed two california initiatives which will require undocumented women to pay their natal care costs, and put a hold on any visa upgrades they may request until the bill is paid.

    also, to end the relative and unlicensed care provider program for illegal aliens, and have the county select unlicensed providers in their neighborhoods, so there is less avenues for corruption and profit sharing amongst friends and family of the undocumented women.

    While I would greatly like to completely cut the child care services to undocumented women, I do not believe the ninth circuit court will allow it, and the initiative would risk being overturned as did Dick Mountjoy’s.

    At best it is a comprise solution, but one that aims right at the heart of illegal immigration.

    Using babies to gain entrance into California.

    Who say’s undocumented people don’t have documents? A great deal of undocumented people, have an assortment of documents straight from customs and immigration allowing them to remain here illegally because they have a baby.

    I believe this measure will drastically impede the impetus for women to have children at the taxpayers expense, so they can get permission to stay, and recieve benefits.

    titania jones

  2. Says:

    California Initiative One
    Name of Initiative: Billing undocumented women and visa holders for natal care services
    Initiative Text
    While 69% of all Medi-Cal births in the state of California were to Hispanic women, 43% of all children born on Medi-Cal in the state of California were to undocumented women

    Don’t believe me? Read this in a government report from Medi-Cal at:

    Did you know that California taxpayers spend more on live childbirths, than on all 200 other services provided by Medi-Cal?

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    California currently provides free natal care to immigrants regardless of their date of arrival or visa status.

    This policy is encouraging illegal immigration to the state of California, because not only do we cover natal care costs for undocumented aliens, but then we give them a temporary visa status which allows them to stay.

    Undocumented women who have babies, are often granted a status known as “PRUCOL” which allows them to stay for humanitarian reasons (the most common reason, is the woman had a baby ).

    Having Prucol status qualifies illegal women with babies, for state benefits, but it does not make them responsible for their natal care bills. Not only that, but you can apply for Prucol status by mail!
    Don’t believe me? Here’s a copy of the latest application for undocumented immigrants to receive California benefits.

    This initiative would require recipients of natal care, to provide any documentation they may have, with regard to their status in the United States, and undergo biometric identification.

    California Medi-Cal requirement for payment/State defines meaning of “Public Charge”

    The state of California’s Medi-Cal requires reimbursement for natal care costs from both undocumented aliens and visa holders, until natal care costs are settled.

    In 2006, there were over 1,266,264 visa upgrades to legal permanent residence status were granted to visa holders, in the United States.

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    Application for all visa upgrades liable to be placed under a temporary hold, are to include: all employment based visa’s, applicants for legal permanent residence, fiancé visa’s, green card applicants, applicants for United States citizenship, and any applications received in the event of an amnesty.

    For more information on the current rules regarding “becoming a public charge” and denial of visa upgrades, please read the following link

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    California Initiative Two

    Name of Initiative: End relative child care program for undocumented aliens, and Prucol aliens. Requirement for a background check of all relative child care providers

    Initiative Text

    All mom’s in the state of California meeting the income requirements are eligible to receive state sponsored childcare regardless of visa status

    Sixty-two percent of CalWORKs recipients in the initial stage of participation choose license-exempt care

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    This information can be read in a government report at:

    Yet there are over 280,000 children on waiting lists to receive child care

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    This means that an American mom may be waiting for child care, while an undocumented or Prucol alien mom receives state sponsored childcare

    The current law states that low income mother’s requesting state sponsored child care are entitled to choose a relative to provide child care over an unlicensed or licensed child care provider

    The relative of the mother who looks after the child while the mom is at work
    Receives a subsidy from the state of California

    The 47% of Hispanic mothers choose relative care, whether they are legal or illegal.

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    While all unlicensed and licensed child care providers must undergo a background check, the state of California does not require relative’s of mother’s requesting state funded child care to undergo any background check.

    The main purpose for requiring “Trustline” background checks, is to protect children from child care providers who may have a violent or criminal past

    Or from paying state monies to child care providers who do not have a valid visa.

    In order to register to “Trustline”, you must have an alien registration card, though “Trustline” does not check with U.S. Customs and Immigration to ensure the visa is valid.

    This year in California, over 12% of all licensed and unlicensed child care provider applicants who underwent a background check through “Trustline” were rejected
    Because they had a history of criminal activity or child abuse.

    This information can be accessed in a government report at:

    The relative’s potentially qualifying to receive state funding for providing relative child care include: brother, sister, aunt, uncle, father and mother of the mother seeking state sponsored child care.

    This bill would also require PRUCOL (undocumented) aliens residing within the state of California who qualify for state sponsored child care to use either unlicensed child care, or licensed child care, and prohibit them from using the relative child care program.

    This bill would require all relatives providing child care under the relative child care provider program to pass a background check, prior to receiving any monies from the state of California.

    While child care would still be available to visa holders, It would also exempt PRUCOL aliens from receiving any state monies for providing licensed, unlicensed and relative child care subsidies.

    Other recommendations:

    By prohibiting undocumented women from receiving state sponsored childcare, the state of California would discourage further encroachment by illegal immigrants, on consuming the most costs for state sponsored child care, and natal care costs which are the largest expenditure in Medi-Cal.

    It would allow the state of California within the next five years to:

    Increase the number of relative care provider to American’s and legal immigrants by 10% -25%

    Raise the re-imbursement ceiling for licensed child care providers

    Lower the pay ceiling for relative care re-imbursement rates to 75%

    This recommendation can be accessed in a report at:

    Provide an annual report on visa, ethnic categories for relative child care