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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: MSM look at the FlashReport

Last Wednesday, Mike Zapler, a reporter with the San Jose Mercury News in their Sacramento Bureau came down to Orange County to spend a day with me, which was fun.  He’s a cool guy, and he wrote a pretty lengthy profile on the website and its influence, that actually appears in today’s Contra Costa Times.  It will run in the Mercury News soon, I’m sure, since that is Zapler’s "home paper" — but the Mercury News, the Times and about fifty other papers are all under the umbrulla of Media News Corporation.

I would like to give a shout-out to United States Congressman John Campbell, who came over and shared an iced tea with us on Wednesday.  Somehow he ended up on the cutting-room floor of this piece, though the Congressman did a great job of talking about the important role that our website plays "Inside the Beltway" and on what happens out that way.

I’d also like to thank Senator Dick Ackerman and Dan Schnur for their kind words.  I’ll definitely give a shout-out to our vital FR advertisers, without whom this site would not be a reality.  And last, but most significantly, thanks go to YOU, the FR reader.  We appreciate your daily visits to this website!

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8 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: MSM look at the FlashReport”

  1. Says:

    Aging Dell laptop??!! where do we send donations to upgrade this wonderful site?

  2. Says:

    Here you go, Tom ;-)

  3. Says:

    Finally! A front page in one of my local Bay Area papers that didn’t make me look for real estate in Siberia! Great article, Jon, and they were right…you are having a tremendous influence.

    For those of you who may have only read the first few paragraphs, you can’t miss the most hilarious parts toward the end:

    1. Steve Maviglio saying the FR “is just a bunch of right-wingers talking to a bunch of other right-wingers.” (Does that mean he won’t be pestering/boring us with his blathering comments anymore?!)

    2. The best one…in Jon’s academic years, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals staged a hunger strike to protest drug testing on animals…he set up a sundae booth on both sides. Always offering a helping hand…that’s our “Flash.”

    Way to go, Jon!

  4. Says:

    Great job Jon…the Flash juggernaut continues to move forward…no wonder the other sites…credible and laughable alike keep checking in on your site and keep us chuckling. You’re a rock star

  5. Says:

    I forgot to mention…you and your elves should be commended as you did this all without being on someones payroll and merely serving as a paid mouthpiece or becoming the PerezHilton of the political blogoshere…your niche is content.

  6. Says:

    I like being on of Santa Flash’s elves.

  7. Says:

    —> Musical movie Soundtrack for this outstanding thread….

    **….. “Jill”… by Gary Lewis & the Playboys.. (1967)

    **…… “Joey Baby”… by Anita & Th’ So-And-Sos.. (1962)

    **….. “Johnny B. Goode” … by Chuck Berry (1958)

  8. Says:

    Congrats Jon on the well deserved notoriety for FR. It is definately a force multiplier for conservatives in the state.