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Jon Fleischman

Senator Jeff Denham: Most Vulnerable At Risk Over Political Games By The Majority Party

Just over the transom from State Senator Jeff Denham:

Over the past week, much is being said and written as to whether I should be the next vote to help pass the state budget.  I would agree that it is irresponsible for our state government not to pass a balanced budget on time, but I also believe that it is reprehensible and deplorable for the Democrats to adjourn the legislature for almost a month without passing any gap funding for California’s critical programs. 

As Democrat legislators continue to enjoy their vacation, Californians most vulnerable and many of our medical care providers are starting to have their lives negatively impacted.  Without a state budget, hospitals, health clinics, summer programs, community colleges, and remediation programs risk being scaled down or completely eliminated. 

As noted in one of our newspapers, “One of the most dramatic shortfalls was in Medi-Cal funds for 500 hospitals and 11,000 nursing homes, hospices and adult care centers serving 6.8 million often-frail seniors.  Last week in July, Medi-Cal ran out of funds and could pay only $143 million of the $223 million it owed senior provider.  This past week none of the $227 million owed such institutions was paid.” 

I offered legislation to appropriate upwards of $10 billion to the State Controller so that the services mentioned above don’t go unpaid and jeopardize the health of our most needy Californians.  The measure was rejected by the Democrat-controlled Senate.  In 1998, the Legislature passed a similar $19 billion emergency appropriation at the end of July as a result of a budget impasse. It’s interesting to see that seven of these legislators who voted yes on this measure in 1998, who are in the Senate today (Cedillo, Ducheny, Kuehl, Machado, Perata, Torlakson and Vincent), opposed this measure this time around.

I believe that both chambers of government should be required to stay in session until we reach agreement on the balanced budget.  I am not willing to compromise my principals or be allowed to get bullied by the fringes of the far left, but nor should our state government be held hostage while the leadership of the Democrat-controlled Senate allows his Senators to go home, and as the Assembly Speaker continues his extended vacation trip in Europe. 

What they are saying:

Californians Most Vulnerable At Risk Over Political Games By The Majority Party
“One of the most dramatic shortfalls was in Medi-Cal funds for 500 hospitals and 11,000 nursing homes, hospices and adult care centers serving 6.8 million often-frail seniors.  Last week in July, Medi-Cal ran out of funds and could pay only $143 million of the $223 million it owned senior provider.  This past week none of the $227 million owed such institutions was paid.” 
(“Lack Of Budget Shows Lawmakers Are Irresponsible,” Editorial – Hayward Daily Review, 8/6/07)

 Government Adjourns For Almost A Month – Without Passing A Budget
“Its irresponsible to not pass a budget on time – and for the Assembly to adjourn for almost a month when the fiscal guidelines haven’t been approved by both houses of the Legislature.” 
(“Lack Of Budget Shows Lawmakers Are Irresponsible,” Editorial – Hayward Daily Review, 8/6/07)

Get the facts on the budget situation:
Senate Republicans Offer Amendment To Fund Essential Government Service

4 Responses to “Senator Jeff Denham: Most Vulnerable At Risk Over Political Games By The Majority Party”

  1. Says:

    Continuous appropriations would allow the Republicans to fund those programs they support while starving those they don’t.

    That privilege belongs to the party that elects the most lawmakers – you know, the majority.

    Showboat Denham turns his back on those who believed the promises he made last year.

    But accountability may be in the offing…

  2. Says:

    I know that it grates you and other liberal operatives that California voters had the forsight to put the 2/3 vote requirement for a budget (and tax hikes) into the State Constitution. It means everyone has to work together to find a budget that will work for the good of all Californians.

    Jeff Denham is standing tall for the very principles on which he campaigned, which include fiscal responsibility, and looking at prudent steps to be taken to reign in future budget deficits.

    You have to scratch your head and wonder how, with record growth in government revenues these past few years why Democrats cannot spend less than projected revenues? Spend spend spend. That is the matra of your party, Bill.

    We’re with you, Senator Denham!

  3. Says:

    Senator Denham: I hate to let facts get in the way of your propaganda, but the Speaker is not in Europe. The rest of your statement appears to have the same level of accuracy.

  4. Says:

    Kudos to Senator Denham on his observations on the state budget, which is factual NOT propaganda.

    If the Speaker is not in Europe, then where is he?

    Sounds like a case of “Where is Waldo?”