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Jill Buck

Is Assemblywoman Hayashi against public safety…or loyal Democrats?

Alameda County is working on a project that would shock most taxpayers…not because of the project itself, but because the project wasn’t completed years ago. The County has hired the former County Fire Chief to ensure that our public safety officials and first responders county-wide can communicate with one another during a crisis. In a post 9/11 world, I think most people in Alameda Co. assume that our firefighters, police and county sheriffs can all get on the same radio frequency and coordinate emergency responses. Unbelievably, that is not the case, and well-placed sources who wish to remain anonymous (for now) say Assemblywoman Hayashi is part of the problem.

In order for this new communications system to be implemented, each city within Alameda Co. must have a city council vote in favor of joining the JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) that will institute the new communications capability. So far, only eleven of the fourteen cities in Alameda Co. have joined. Why the hold outs? According to my sources, Hayashi has informed certain city council members in these hold out cities that they will not receive Democratic Party support in their next race if they vote ‘yes’ to the JPA. 

Yes, you heard that right, “Democratic Party support.” She was talking to lifelong Democrats when she apparently relayed this information.

So now we must ask the question “why”.

Is it due to Hayashi’s fervor to save taxpayer dollars, even at the expense of public safety? Not likely. Ever since she worked to pass Prop. 63, Hayashi has a record of eagerly pick pocketing California taxpayers.

Is it because she is against public safety, and does not want our county first responders to be able to talk to each other in a county-wide crisis? If that’s the case, I hope all the law enforcement and firefighters who endorsed her in ’06 will take a long hard look at whether they endorse her in ’08.

Or…is it because the person the County hired to lead this project is her former primary opponent, Bill McCammon, a respected and honored public servant who has lived in the 18th Assembly District all his life? Hayashi only beat McCammon by a few hundred votes in the Democratic primary in ’06…is she worried?

As a taxpayer in Alameda Co., I’m appalled that my Assemblywoman would try to block this no-brainer project the County is trying to implement in order to keep us safe. If I were a Democratic taxpayer in Alameda Co., I’d be shopping for a new candidate for the 18th Assembly District right away…one that would treat his/her fellow Democrats with more respect.

I was told during my race against Hayashi that she made it no secret that what she really wants is Pete Stark’s congressional seat. As a typical citizen, I can’t imagine sending someone to Congress who fights against public safety. But I hope that the typical Democratic citizens in my area can’t imagine sending someone to Congress who fights against members of her own party.


2 Responses to “Is Assemblywoman Hayashi against public safety…or loyal Democrats?”

  1. Says:

    Unfortunately party infighting does exist.But at the expense of public safety? This is an abomination.Seems to me that barring a worthy republican to take her place it would be worth it for ordinary citizens to help any worthy opponent who may run against her.If there is a worthy republican running against her please let us all know.Maybe getting the word out through the media that this is nothing but a personal grudge at the expense of public safety may change her tune.

  2. Says:

    The good news is two-fold in this situation:

    1. The Democrats are going to clean their own house on this one. They are not taking it lying down.

    2. Local media is on it already.