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Congressman John Campbell

“L’État, c’est moi” – “I am the State”

Last night, Republicans walked off the House Floor after Democrats changed the outcome of a vote after the final tally had been called.  And this was not just any vote.  The vote would have barred illegal immigrants from receiving food stamps and subsidized housing.  Republicans had just enough votes to pass the motion, and we won the final vote 215-213.

That should have been the end of it.  But not under the Pelosi Congress.  

After the gavel had fallen, Stockton, California Freshman Democrat Jerry McNerney (CA-11) changed his vote to oppose the motion, and even though the vote was closed, they allowed the outcome to go the other way.  

Last night’s walk-out didn’t happen just because of this one vote.  The Democrat’s agenda is so liberal and so out of touch with the American people, that all year, they have not permitted debate or objections on legislation because they don’t want the American people to see what they’re doing.  Nancy Pelosi believes that the politics of San Francisco and are the same.  They are not.

As the Majority party, they have the right to pass legislation.  But they don’t have the right to suppress differing opinions and disregard the outcome of elections.  That’s un-American, un-democratic, and just plain wrong.  

The House is currently shut down.  I will keep you posted.



2 Responses to ““L’État, c’est moi” – “I am the State””

  1. Says:

    The dems will do anything and everything to vote for illegal aliens over US citizens. What a sad spectacle.

    On the other hand, President Bush is probably happy about this outcome last night. He’s looking forward to giving away as many benefits as possible to illegal aliens.

  2. Says:

    I am beyond Enraged at the action taken on this! Again Working for Law Breaking Illegals rather than this Country’s Legal American Citizens. This current Administration has all but torn the Souls from the American People allowing Bush and his Administration to do as they please rather than listen to the People. The message I got from this incident tells me that the Vote and the Voice of the People mean NOTHING!!! They do as they please with NO regard to those of us that are Lawabiding Legal American Citizens.
    The Democrates BUFFALOED this Country last year when they said they would work for this Country’s People just to get into Office. So what else is New???