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Jon Fleischman

GOP Caucus Holds Firm – Except Maldonado

The State Senate is in session tonight, and despite knowing that the Republican Caucus has not agreed to a budget deal, Perata forced yet another vote on the fat, bloated state budget.

The vote failed, but it is notable that moderate Republican Abel Maldonado decided that hanging tough for real spending cuts and programmatic reforms was a bit too much for him. I don’t know what his pressure points were but when choosin’ time came, and he voted, he went with all of the Democrats instead of his colleagues.

To be commended are the 14 solid Senate Republicans who are keeping faith with each other, and are commited to some real reforms and spending cuts.

More to come, I’m sure…

One Response to “GOP Caucus Holds Firm – Except Maldonado”

  1. Says:

    For those of the “Magnificent 14” who read Flash Report, know that the people of California are counting on you.

    This could be the first step toward saving our state, and we will remember each one of the 14 who stood strong for fiscal responsibility.