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Riverside County Finance Reports

With the reports in, here is how the fundraising is shaping up in the Riverside County State races for the period of January 1 through June 30.  I posted only Republicans in the 37th SD and 64th AD since they are Republican seats.  I will post the Democrats in a day or so for the 80th AD which is more highly Democrat than Republican:

SD 37 to replace termed out Jim Battin

Current 64th State Assemblyman John J. Benoit
$441,000 Cash on Hand, $218,019 raised in the period.

Former 65th State Assemblyman Russ Bogh
$427,000 Cash on Hand, $157,664 raised in the period.

Both have raised a mix of Sacramento and local funds.

AD 64 to replace termed out John J. Benoit

Rose Ramirez Girard
$78,920 Cash on Hand, $101,901 raised.
Loaned campaign $66,000, raised $37,000 from district

Kelly McCarty
$81,078 Cash on Hand, raised $81,795.
No personal money. Virtually all came from individual collision centers throughout the state.

John Pate
$100,394 Cash on Hand, $106,840 raised.
Loaned campaign $100,00.

Angel Sanchez
$23,135 Cash on Hand, $34,772 raised.
Loaned campaign $10,000, raised $24,772 from district.

AD 80 to replace termed out Bonnie Garcia


Lupe Ramos Watson
$20,000 raised in this report..
Big buys already up on radio and television.  Self funding and raising funds.

Gary Jeandron
$94,837 Cash on Hand. $115,946 raised in district.


Most of their finance reports weren’t on line when I drafted this so I will report in a day or so.