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Shawn Steel

Legal Aid Foundation organizing Union : Violates Federal Law

The notorious Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) is now charged with violating federal laws and misleading the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) since December, 2004.  In a complaint filed on July 19, 2007 by a coalition of taxi companies  LAFLA is accused of aggressively lobbying for and organizing into a union a small number of drivers with taxpayer money in direct violation of the LSC Act.   

By using taxpayer money for these efforts, the LSC must either demand an end to these illegal activities or withdraw funding for LAFLA, who derives 55% of their funding from LSC grants.  The complaint spells out multiple violations including grassroots lobbying, community organizing, advocacy training and staging demonstrations.

Betty Hung, directing attorney with LAFLA, has been the leader in organizing taxi drivers by forming Los Angeles Taxi Worker’s Alliance (LATWA) in addition to lobbying the Los Angeles City Council and various City Commissions.

“Whether LAFLA used taxpayer money or not, these actions are in violation of the LSC regulations,” according to Long Beach attorney Paul Marron, spokesman for the taxi coalition. .

Capitol Hill Republicans, including Reps. Darrell Issa and Dana Rohrabacher , are up in arms over the possible misuse of tax dollars in these lobbying efforts.  Currently the Government Oversight Committee is looking into the matter.  The larger question is how long can a free society survive when our government relentlessly works against the private sector.

One Response to “Legal Aid Foundation organizing Union : Violates Federal Law”

  1. Says:

    I can’t believe they’re using tax payer money to lobby and organize labor. Who will stop this? Can crimnal charges be brought for misappropiation of taxpayer money?