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Jon Fleischman

Senator Harman: Senate GOP Caucus More Unified Than Ever Before

This just in from State Senator Tom Harman

By State Senator Tom Harman

Last week, in a futile attempt to break the resolve of the Republicans in the State Senate, Don Perata, the President Pro Tem, locked all of the members in the Senate chambers for the night.  Believe me, 30 hours without sleep is not fun.  Senate Republicans were outraged and angry at this childish and stupid maneuver by Perata.  In my opinion, this tactic actually strengthened or better unified our caucus, more so than ever before. 

The sand has run out of the hour glass and it is now time to pass a responsible and fiscally sound budget.  Senate Republicans have placed on the table for consideration by the Democrats a plan that reduces the operating deficit to zero.  Actually it reduces it below zero and creates a modest reserve.  Would someone please tell me what is wrong with a budget that spends no more than we take in as tax revenues?  That’s called a “balanced budget,” and that is exactly what Republicans are fighting for in this budget battle. 

The Senate Republican budget fully funds education, public safety and environmental protections.  Modest reductions are called for in programs that are either unnecessary or are not performing as originally envisioned.  For instance, it eliminates 6,000 vacant positions throughout various state agencies and departments.  It is unconscionable to continue to allocate funds to departments for employees who do not exist.  

It re-instates the Governor’s CalWORKs reform package that targets welfare fraud and promotes welfare-to-work programs.   Adopting this reform package will bring California into conformity with federal welfare law.  Only two states, California and New York, are not in conformity with federal law.  Let’s face it, California has a “gold plated” welfare system that is being unnecessarily funded by California taxpayers.  By the way, if California does not adopt this reform package, the federal government will, commencing in 2008, fine California $150 million dollars a year for not being in conformity with federal law.  Claims by the Democrats that we are “taking food out of the mouths of children” are absolutely false.  Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Senate Republicans are not willing to squander the hard earned money of the taxpayers by paying for unnecessary programs with borrowed money.  With revenues failing to meet projections, a slowdown in job growth and the staggering rate of housing defaults, it doesn’t bode well for next year.  That’s why we need to address the budget operating deficit this year. If we don’t, it will only be worse next year.  Simply crossing our fingers and hoping it will be better next year simply won’t work. 

We need to fix the problem here and now.  Senate Republicans refuse to be bullied into supporting a bad budget simply because it was rushed through the Assembly and acquiesced to by Senate Democrats.

Rest assured, I will continue to fight for an honest, accountable and fiscally responsible budget.  If I have to stay here in Sacramento until Christmas to get it, then so be it!   

One Response to “Senator Harman: Senate GOP Caucus More Unified Than Ever Before”

  1. Says:

    With all due respect, Senator, the budget was not “rushed.”

    You may recall that Senate Republicans had a member of the conference committee, which meant for nearly two months to review the May revise. Negotiations between the Senate leaders, the Assembly, and the Governor then lasted more than one month.

    Assembly Republicans, Assembly Democrats, Senate Democrats, and the Governor all did their job. If you disagree with that, fine. But spare us the “rushed” budget line!