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Jon Fleischman

Senator Runner: Time To Live Within Our Means

Some timely commentary from the Chairman of the State Senate Republican Caucus…

Time To Live Within Our Means
Senator George Runner

The Senate Republicans budget proposal has accomplished what some believed to be impossible: We have cut spending while leaving K-12 education and public safety alone.

We went after people who aren’t complying with Cal Work’s rules. We took a red pen to unnecessary programs like the UC Mexico program, which is a university facility located south-of-the-border that costs taxpayers $7 million per year. We have deleted $6 million from the UC Labor Union Institute – which is really nothing more than an earmark for a special interest group.

We have cut the $5 million Agricultural Labor Relations Board. This is an inappropriate use of taxpayers’ dollars that seeks to unionize private sector employees.

We also eliminated the Medi-Cal Minor Consent Program, a $19 million per year program that provides abortions – among other reproductive services – for females under 18 without parental consent, proof of citizenship or verification of parents’ income.

We have saved millions of dollars by trimming away the bureaucratic fat of other programs.

We did this because it’s important to erase the $700 million deficit included in the Assembly-passed budget.

We must not continue to spend more than we take in and now is the time to say enough. Frankly, it makes me wonder: If we can’t close the gap this year, how in the world are we going to close the projected $5 billion out-year gap in 2008.

The only way we will do it next year is to make deep cuts to vital programs, like public safety, and nobody wants to do that.

Somewhere along the line, we need to make a decision to quit fudging the numbers and truly get down to the business of balancing our budget for the people of California. We think this year is our golden opportunity. 

Why aren’t the Democrats on board?

Perhaps they are setting the stage to raise taxes next year – something we (and most Californians) find intolerable. But raising taxes seems to be more palatable to Democrats than getting our free-wheeling spending in check.

But the legislature also needs to address California’s business climate. A strong economy depends on a robust business environment. But unfortunately for California, recently reported that we ranked dead last when it comes to the price of doing business in our state.

That is unacceptable given that California has one of the largest economies in the world, and given our unmatched natural resources, world-class universities, our large workforce and many other factors.

We must find ways to provide incentives to stimulate the economy and encourage businesses to expand in California – something they are rightfully reluctant to do right now.

Offering business incentives that encourage investment in California is a far better solution than raising taxes and it could have positive outcomes for a brighter California economy in the future.

2 Responses to “Senator Runner: Time To Live Within Our Means”

  1. Says:

    As someone who asked for months about specifics on the budget cuts, do you have any specifics on the tax incentives, Senator?

  2. Says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Senator Runner. There is some sanity in Sacramento. Legions of productive, hard-working taxpayers are rooting for you and the rest of the Senate Republicans. Hopefully the Assembly Republicans and the Governor find a spine and start doing the right thing. You guys are leading the way!