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Jon Fleischman

CSSA Lobbyist Clarifies Position of Sheriffs on Budget

In the post below this one, Assemblyman Anthony Adams has reprinted a memo that went out to the Governor and GOP legislators from the California State Sheriff’s Association.  Because of the way that the memo was carefully worded, referring only to the "law enforcement portion of the budget," I took the liberty of reaching out to CSSA’s lobbyist, Nick Warner.  I have known Nick for quite a few years now, building a relationship with him during my nearly six years full-time with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

Nick quickly clarified with me that it was not and is not CSSA’s goal to pressure Senate Republicans, or anyone else for that matter, where the budget is concerned.  Rather, CSSA wanted to get something out "on the record" making sure that they expressed their support for the current level of law enforcement funding within the budget that has been passed out of the Assembly.

This does not appear to be a controversial position on the part of CSSA because from my conversations with many GOP State Senators, and also with many GOP Assemblymembers who voted against the budget, there is no groundswell from the Republican side to cut funding for law enforcement.

Our "friends" over at the Democratic Majority Report are trying to make hay about this CSSA memo.  I guess I don’t blame them.  Their passion for more and more spending by state government drives Majority Report bloggers into frenzied attack.

I suspect that in retrospect, the CSSA folks wish they had working their memo a bit differently.  That said, Nick has told me that he has been busy clarifying CSSA’s position with legislators.  And hopefully this posting helps out his cause.

Did you know?  You can order your own CSSA golfballs!  Check it out here.

One Response to “CSSA Lobbyist Clarifies Position of Sheriffs on Budget”

  1. Says:

    Well, at least the Police Chiefs seem to be clear in their support of the Assembly budget … here’s there press release:

    Police Chiefs Call for Adoption of Assembly Budget

    Today, Chief Richard Word, president, California Police Chiefs Association, released the following statement on the Assembly budget passed early Friday morning:

    “We support the Assembly Budget and respectfully urge the California Senate to also adopt this Budget. This Budget is one of the strongest public safety Budgets in our memory – something that is vital if our communities are to be safe. We hope that the Senate will adopt this Budget when they reconvene this Wednesday.”

    “The California Police Chiefs Association’s members are the primary providers of local public safety services in California. Police Chiefs are responsible for protecting over three quarters of California residents. It’s because we are the primary protectors of Californians that we have such a high stake in public safety. This is a good Budget – it helps with the protection of our neighborhoods, and deserves prompt approval.”

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