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Brandon Powers

YRFC Holds State Convention

Today in Anaheim, the YRFC held their annual State Convention.

Chairman Matt Harper handed off the gavel to longtime conservative leader and activist, Ben Lopez.

YRFC also went on record endorsing the CRP’s recently re-affirmed position that only Republican voters should be able to pick the Republican presidential nominee. The organization also endorsed the CRP campaigns of California Republican Lawyers Association President Steve Baric, and former CRP Chairman Shawn Steel.

We just got done listening to Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who was just presented with YRFC’s Legislator of the Year Award.

And right now, our FlashReport leader Jon Fleischman was given the YRFC Founder’s Award.

Later tonight, talk show host and author Dennis Prager will be addressing the group.

All in all, a great event put on by the Orange County Young Republicans.

(posted from my Treo)

One Response to “YRFC Holds State Convention”

  1. Says:

    Is this not amazing? The YRFC still exists and is doing well. Did you read this Kevin (McCarthy)? Just think, you said you were going to shut them down. Even with your political successes. You failed on this one.