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Jim Battin

Free, Free, Free at Last!

Well the lockdown is over – we’re FREE!

After a fruitless effort of trying to break us into passing the irresponsible Assembly budget, the seige is over.

Finally, calmer heads have prevailed and instead of the "we’ll break ’em" tactics, Senator Perata has decided that we should negotiate like adults.

We are working toward a budget without a deficit – that’s our goal.  Our budget team will be working over the weekend with the Democrats.  Hopefully we will get there.

Senator Perata is a bit testy, but at least we’re free.

One Response to “Free, Free, Free at Last!”

  1. Says:

    All of our Republican State Senators are to be commended. Standing up for the principle of ending deficit spending it a good thing. Also, presenting a CLEAR CONTRAST between the big spending ways of Democrats and the fiscal prudency of Republicans it a good thing.

    I wonder if Nunez will skip the Galaxy Soccer game to come back to Sacramento to negotiate?