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Jon Fleischman

Free the GOP Senators


TO:  Sam Aanastad, Dick Ackerman, Roy Ashburn, Jim Battin, Dave Cogdill, Dave Cox, Jeff Denham, Bob Dutton, Tom Harmon, Dennis Hollingsworth, Abel Maldonado, Bob Margett, Tom McClintock, George Runner, Mark Wyland

FROM:  Jon Fleischman and the FR Team

RE:  The Immaturity of Don Perata

You fifteen are now officially martyrs for all California taxpayers.  Don Perata (pictured) clearly is acting about four years old with this tactic of ‘locking you in’ the Senate chambers throughout the night.

It’s actually quite unbelievable.

It is a demonstration of how far out of touch liberal Democrats truly are with the reason WHY you folks have not signed off on a budget.  They just don’t understand that the state government of California is too big and spends too much.  The idea of not spending more than you make is a foreign concept.  But then these are the people that see an increase of less than what they want as a spending cut.

Well, I cannot imagine being in your shoes.  But I would suspect at a certain point, this would start to quickly become less about a budget for the state, and more about pure and simple respect for fellow adults.  If Don Perata is going to literally act like some cross between a petulant child and a banana republic dictator, then I would make it clear that there is no way that you will negotiate further.

Your reasons for not voting for the Assembly-passed budget are sound.  But as you go longer and longer without sleep, it is more and more unlikely that any meangingful dialogue is going to take place about California public policy.

Anyways, we’re with you in solidarity, and please let us know if you can take deliveries, the address, and we can ask our readers to start to send you packages.  Maybe we can send a live pig over to Don Perata, for all of the lard in this status-quo budget.

Hang in there!!

2 Responses to “Free the GOP Senators”

  1. Says:

    Thanks Jon! We all enjoyed the post. FREE THE GOP 15!

  2. Says:

    Hang in there GOP Senators. This year’s budget impasse is merely spring training for next year, when the structural deficit starts north of $6 billion and the need to start pre-funding retiree health care benefits adds another $2.3 billion. Taxpayers are counting on you to protect our fiscally responsible values. This is the year to change the way California sets its budget priorities.