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Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s Call to Action on Budget

This just came over from State Senator Tom McClintock, pardon any odd formatting as I am posting it up from my Blackberry….

ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS COLLAPSING ON BUDGET TONIGHT! THE VOTE IS SCHEDULED FOR 8:15 PM TONIGHT. PLEASE CONTACT ASSEMBLY AND SENATE REPUBLICAN OFFICES AND DEMAND THAT THEY HOLD FIRM FOR A BALANCED BUDGET. The Assembly is convening tonight to adopt another seriously out-of-balance state budget (SB 77). Worse, it sets in motion obligations that will cause a catastrophic shortfall for the following year. And worst of all, it plans on continuing the process of “escheat,” in which the state controller loots safe deposit boxes, retirement and college funds – any assets that are idle for just three years – to deposit in the general fund. Even though a federal court has ordered them temporarily to halt this practice, they are still counting on resuming it – or having taxpayers pick up the difference. Because it takes a 2/3 vote to adopt the budget, Republicans can hold firm to demand what they promised California – a state government that lives within its means. If this budget is adopted as it now stands, it will be due entirely to Republican complicity. In the Assembly, SIX Republicans will have to vote with the Democrats to adopt this budget.

PLEASE CALL ASSEMBLY AND SENATE REPUBLICAN OFFICES IMMEDIATELY TO VOICE YOUR STRONG OPPOSITION. LET THEM KNOW YOU’RE WATCHING AND THAT YOU’LL BE LONG REMEMBERING HOW THEY VOTE. If the measure is adopted by the Assembly, it will then move to the Senate for a 9:00 am vote Friday. This may be is our last line of defense. Here are the details: Although they claim they have reduced the budget deficit to “just” a half-billion dollars this year, they are setting in motion a $5.2 billion deficit for next year – without the cash to cover it. And where do you think they’re going to make up the difference? But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The actual budget deficit will most likely be many times greater than the half-billion dollar gap they’re admitting to. Here are just a few of the games they’re playing – and that taxpayers will have to make up – when they come up short: The budget bill (SB 77): – ignores almost certain contract obligations to the tune of $330 million – refuses to acknowledge the fact that we’ve brought in $600 million less than budgeted during just the last two months – defies a court order and plans to continue to raise $400 million a year by seizing personal property after three “years of “inactivity” – plans to sell the state’s “”Ed Fund” to a private consortium, and valuing it far in excess of what it is likely to bring in. – assumes hundreds of millions of dollars more in property taxes than the Legislative Analyst has warned is prudent – assumes much higher revenues from tribal gaming than the Legislative Analyst’s Office has projected. In all, more than $4 billion of gimmickry is involved in this budget – gimmickry that will bite taxpayers hard as we approach the next fiscal year – on top of the huge deficits they’re already admitting to. —————- CALL YOUR REPUBLICAN LAWMAKER NOW!

2 Responses to “McClintock’s Call to Action on Budget”

  1. Says:

    Hi Folks,

    Its 9:00 p.m. and my Assemblyperson – Mimi Walters’ Sacramento office – is still taking phone calls at this hour so keep those calls coming to your Assemblyperson!

    By the way, Mimi’s staff person told me the vote keeps being delayed every hour and Mimi is voting NO!

    Thanks to Senator McClintock and Jon for the heads up!

  2. Says:

    Greetings! I am spreading the word and we are calling certain GOP Legislators, especially the term limited ones in 2008 to VOTE NO.

    Assembly GOP Caucus…STAND UNITED. We can’t be divided and fall on this awful budget.