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Jon Fleischman

Dem Strategist Kaufman holds petitions on term limits weakening measure until budget is passed…

Much space has already been given on this site to the shifty and smarmy efforts by Don Perata and Fabian Nunez — our esteemed "legative leaders" — to try and avoid having term limits kick them out of their powerful political offices at the end of next year.

We have it on good authority that Gale Kaufman and the political team behind the Perata/Nunez "term-limited incumbent career extending" term limits weakening measure have gathered enough signatures through their paid efforts, and are ready to turn them in…

But they are waiting….   "Why," you ask?

They apparently want to wait until after a budget is passed so that the ‘spin’ from the announcement of turning in signatures isn’t tainted with the whole idea that the legislature cannot pass a budget on time.

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker — the public isn’t going to be fooled by this self-serving measure no matter when you turn in your signatures.  It won’t change the fact that were it to pass, a vast percentage of the legislature that would have been forced into retirement will be able to run for re-election.  It’s the Perata/Nunez Career Politican Act.