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Brandon Powers

AD60 Update: Fundraising Numbers In

Both major candidates to succeed Assemblyman Bob Huff in the 60th Assembly District have finished up successful fundraising periods.

Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman has taken a sizable lead in the money chase, reporting having brought in $309,000 on over 140 contributions ($100,000 of that being from the candidate), including tens of thousands of dollars from Orange County, where conventional wisdom suggested he’d struggle to find support. All told, including money transferred from his Council account, Curt Hagman finishes this period very strong with $334,000 Cash on Hand.

Orange County Water Board member Larry Dick had what would’ve been a good haul in most any other race. He brought in $189,000 from 150 contributors. He finishes with $167,000 Cash on Hand. Coming inches from $200,000 raised a year out from the election is a good amount to show. Unfortunately, it seems for Dick is that Hagman seems content on raising the stakes.

Curt Hagman’s campaign is being handled by consultant Jim Nygren and on the ground by Mike Richman. Larry Dick’s campaign is being handled by consultant, and former FlashReport blogger Joe Justin.