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Mike Spence

Long Beach to “study” violating Constitution.

According to LBReport, tonight the Long Beach Council will consider a proposal to require sellers of ammo to maintain all kinds of info for the police and "other" appointed officials to have access to. Clearly they want to discourage gun owners from their Second Amendment rights.

So why stop there? Why not demand identification from people that want city services to see if they are here illegally? I know, I know… it is just crazy talk and I’m being absurd. See LBReport post here.

One Response to “Long Beach to “study” violating Constitution.”

  1. Says:

    Mike, Thanks so much for posting this. This attack on consumers and the second amendment is ongoing in multiple cities, including the City of Sacramento. Groups such as the legal community against gun violence are attempting to build faux support for a statwide ammunition restriction by going for the local governments, after multiple failures on the state and national levels.

    This data collection was actually law under the Gun Control Act of 1968, but was stricken in 1986 , under the Firearms Owners Protection act signed by Ronald Reagan. at that time law enforcemnt testified it had no crime fighting efficacy and resulted in a lot of unnessary paperwork.