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Jon Fleischman

How each board member voted…

Okay, I stepped out and returned to over 40 emails in just 45 minutes asking how particular board members voted.  Since our vote took place at a public meeting, and not in closed session, I don’t think any of my colleagues would mind if I post this.  Again, all are invited to use this blog as a forum if they would like to elaborate on their vote cast.
The resolution:   The Board of Directors of the California Republican Party supports our current rules that require that you must be a registered Republican to cast a ballot in the Republican Presidential primary in February, 2008.
Senate Leader Dick Ackerman – YES
National Committeewoman Barbara Alby – YES
Pres, County Chairs Assoc. Keen Butcher – NO
Regional Vice Chairman Doug Boyd – YES
Regional Vice Chairman Paul Bruno – YES
Regional Vice Chairman Luis Buhler – NO
Treasurer Keith Carlson – YES
Vice Chairman Tom Del Beccaro – YES
Regional Vice Chairman Jon Fleischman – YES
Secretary Jalene Forbis – YES
Finance Chairman Steve Francis – NO
Regional Vice Chairman Laura Gadke – YES
Budget Chairman Tony Krvaric – YES
Regional Vice Chairman Jerry Maltby – NO
National Committeeman Tim Morgan – NO
Chairman Ron Nehring – NO VOTE CAST
Regional Vice Chairman Mark Pruner – NO
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (via rep) – NO
Immed. Past Chairman Duf Sundheim – NO
Assembly Leader Mike Villines (via rep) – YES
Regional Vice Chairman Aquinetta Warren – NO