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Shawn Steel

Infidel : Summer Reading

One of the most remarkable women today is former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Her biography is an unrelenting page turner. Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2007, Free Press.

Ali is one courageous author, witness and political leader to confront the Cancer within Islam.

All great religions and ideologies always contain seeds of its own destruction. Islam is no exception. Given that America is one of the most tolerant societies is recorded history, many of our citizens still cannot understand the violent and extreme phenomena called Radical Islam. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells the story of the growth of the Radical Cancer in her homeland Somalia. Her father was a revolutionary working against the Marxists who seized Somalia in the early 80’s. American’s most unsuccessful President, the fall of Somalia was part of  Carter’s legacy when the last gasps of the Soviet conquests extended from Afghanistan, Angola, Cuba, Nicaragua, Grenada and many more. 

Her family was clan based with a heavy dependence on Islam. She learned early on  that Islam considered women inherently inferior. Despite her education, academic success, multiple language skill [six]  and courage, when she personally rescued many family members from war torn Somalia, the men in her family still considered Ayaan a lesser human.

Ultimately she was ordered to marry a Somali man who migrated to Canada, because too many Somali girls were "corrupted" there. Ayaan was ordered by her father to submit to Allah’s will and marry a man she didn’t know. Instead, while traveling to Canada via Europe, she escaped to Holland and claimed political refugee status. She learned Dutch and in no time was elected to Parliament. 

But when she began to publicly debate the growing menace of Radical Islam in Dutch society she became quite famous and attracted serious murder threats. 

After she helped write a film called Submission, directed by Theo van Gogh [ yes, the grandson], about the cruel lives of many woman forced to lived marginal lives in radical Islamic communities,  Theo was murdered for his work. 

The murder itself was an effective metaphor for the seriousness, the outrage and insanity of Radical Islam.   Van Gogh while riding on his bicycle was shot eight times by Mohammad B. a well off Arab who benefited from Dutch society.  Mohammad cut van Gogh’s throat nearly decapitating Theo. Mohammad then  plunged two knives into van Gogh’s chest. A five page note was thrust into van Gogh’s heart with a written pledge to kill Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 

Ayaan’s story is not to be missed. It timely, important and a brisk read. To learn more about Ayaan, who recently, moved to the US to continue the war against Radical Islam, her book is crucial.

[Publisher’s Note: You can order this book here. – Flash]

One Response to “Infidel : Summer Reading”

  1. Says:

    A democrat official freshly elected to the assembly, runs for a sudden open seat in Congress, participating in a Latino vs Black political war…cheats on her home loan. A fresh face instantly ruined.

    As John and Ken mentioned today, she will be in Congress for the next 25 years.

    Always a hypocrite.

    Making rules and regs for others to follow.

    Always seeking privileges that working people never get. Always using and abusing the system.

    Nice work dems.