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Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Campaign Announces California Staff

The FR has been informed that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s California campaign staff will be announced publicly soon, but we wanted to give our readers a heads up.  The senior Giuliani California campaign staff are as follows:

Brent LowderCalifornia Executive Director
Lowder will be overseeing the campaign’s daily statewide operation.  He has over ten years of experience working in the California political arena.  During this time, Lowder has served in senior staff positions on various state and local Republican campaigns.   In 2002, he served as a senior aide to Bill Simon during his campaign for Governor of California.  Prior to his work on the Simon campaign, Lowder worked on Matt Fong’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 1998 and on the Pete Wilson Gubernatorial Committee in 1994.

Thomas Roberts – Political Director
Roberts has held a number of positions on campaigns across the country.  He served as Political Director for the Washington State Republican Party in the 2006 election cycle.  During the 2004 Presidential election, Roberts served as a field representative for the Bush-Cheney campaign in both Washington state and Ohio.  He also directed the northeastern Mississippi 72-hour program for Haley Barbour’s successful gubernatorial bid in 2003.  Most recently, Roberts worked within the Bush Administration at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  

Jessica Patterson – Deputy Political Director
Patterson is joining the Giuliani Campaign after successfully directing strategy and communications for the election of Keen Butcher for the California County Chairmen’s Association.  Her campaign experience in California includes serving as Regional Political Director for the California Republican Party, covering the Central Coast, Central Valley, and the Bay Area.  She also worked as the Executive Director of the Ventura County Republican Party during the 2004 and 2005 election cycles.

Steve Frank – Coalitions Director
Frank is a Vietnam veteran whose campaign experience in California dates back to Richard Nixon’s run for President in 1960.  Frank played active roles in Ronald Reagan’s campaign for Governor of California in 1966 and Reagan’s presidential campaigns in 1976 and 1980. He served as the California Republican Party Parliamentarian, former President of the California Republican Assembly, and Deputy Political Director of Bill Simon’s campaign for Governor.  (Everyone knows Steve from his many daily emails with CA Political News and Views.)

Congratulations to all!  The FlashReport is looking forward to working with you and the other campaigns’ staff as we approach the early California presidential primary!