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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Here’s a great example of the stupidity of AB 8 and it’s massive tax hike…

Legislative Democrats just don’t get it — that jobs do not grow on trees, are actually created through innovation and the free market.  Companies generally are not started for altruistic purposes, rather to make a profit.  When the profit shrinks, the business shrinks, or disappears.  So the Democrat propostion to throw a massive tax at California businesses is only going to make things worse, not better, as it will result to a rise in unemployment in the Golden State.

Yesterday, Democrats did just that, and they voted to move forward with a tax scheme to try to grow the state treasury to pay for massive new healthcare entitlements.

Lorraine Salazar is co-owner of Sal’s Mexican Restaurants in Selma, Fresno and Madera.  Just taking her business as an anecdotal case on the impacts of AB 8 foreshadows many, many, many similar (or worse) situations…

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Here’s a great example of the stupidity of AB 8 and it’s massive tax hike…”

  1. Says:

    I had an opportunity to view the testimony by the opposition on AB 8 on the California Channel.

    I think Mrs. Salazar lost her argument when she revealed that the restaurant provides health coverage for 10 management employees and not the rest of the restaurant team that are carrying the water.

    In this revelation, it gives the Democrats ammunition to employers: if you can spend $63,000 for 10 out of 150 employees, you surely can afford to cover the rest.

    I am sure that by going health care shopping a company can get more for less money if you cover more employees.

    Employers should not be in the business of cherry-picking who gets health care coverage and who doesn’t. Morally something is wrong with this picture!

    I am admantly opposed to any taxes proposed that would burden businesses. However, Health Care costs has got to be contained and Employers needs to step up to the plate OR else we will have socialized medicine!

    However, one of the surprising opposition to this bill was the CNA – California Nurses Association, who has accused Speaker Nunez for tying AB 8 to Term Limits Extension. Something to ponder about the strategy going on between the Speaker and the Governor.

  2. Says:

    And Ms. Salazar expressed frustration that her costs went up 14% last year … why was that? Because employers who do provide health insurance (the overwhelming majority) are being forced to subsidize those that don’t.

    CNA opposed the bill because they support single payer health care. And the executive director who spoke is still fuming over the Speaker’s opposition to the ill-fated “Clean Money” initative last year.