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Jon Fleischman

Democrats should stop holding up the budget!

At a time when fiscal prudence is called for in Sacramento, the Democrats want to engage in prolific spending, taking California’s mega-budget to new heights.

Well if staffers to Democrat legislators are wondering why they aren’t getting paid, they need look no further than their own bosses, and thirst to spend, and spend, and spend.

No one is holding a gun to heads of Senator Perata and Assemblyman Nunez, forcing them to try to increase spending to record levels.

I am ready to wear a "stop your whining" button around the Capitol, if I hear one more Democrat throwing out this falsehood that "Republicans are holding up the budget" – when just a little dose of fiscal constraint will put a budget on the Governor’s desk.

4 Responses to “Democrats should stop holding up the budget!”

  1. Says:


    What exactly do you want to cut from the budget?

    I believe my readers have been asking you that for about five months now.

  2. Says:

    I wouldn’t know about what your readers are asking me, as they haven’t asked here.

    But how about for a start we implement the recommendations of Governor Schwarzenegger’s California Performance Review Commission?

  3. Says:

    Brother Bradley, and any of the other ships at sea, can read
    the Commission’s report at this URL:

    The Commission says the 4th volume of the report contains:

    “279 government issues with over 1,200 recommendations
    that have the potential to save the state $32 billion over the
    next five years and guide California’s government into the
    21st century.”

  4. Says:

    Jon and James: Even Republicans opposed most of the CPR recommendations — as did the Governor himself (hence his withdrawal of the recommendations).

    The question remains: why don’t the Republicans make their list of budget cuts public? Democrats let the sun shine in during four months of the conference committee but Republicans want to negotiate the secret.

    Maybe John can publish it on Flash!