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Jon Fleischman

Are you kidding?

I am at John Wayne Airport here in Orange County with my wife and her dad, Eugene. Eugene is 67 years old, and while he doesn’t look a day over 50, he is a far cry from 21.

That said, we were all dumbfounded when our server, upon Eugene ordering a Heinekin, was told he had to present his drivers license. Seriously? At first, we thought he was kidding. But, um… No.

So here is our special message to Airport Director Alan Murphy, a good guy… Are you kidding? I can understand the wobblers… But asking senior citizens to show ID when ordering a beer is out of line.

P.S. I am sure fault ultimately lies with a union official or a trial lawyer!

3 Responses to “Are you kidding?”

  1. Says:

    Jon: I am sure the problem is not just because of a trial lawyer or a union, but most likely also because of an insurance company! The insurance company probably gives the bar and airport better rates if they agree to “card” everyone, across the Board, including obvious mature adults like your father-in-law! Damn insurance companies!

  2. Says:

    If my good friend Jim Lacy was just being smart, then I apologize for taking his statements so literally. But if he really means what he wrote, then I must disagree.

    Why would an insurance company care about under age drinking at John Wayne Airport unless a trial lawyer is apt to sue over it? After all, an insurance company isn’t the ABC (or even mom’s against drunk drivers). It would have no interest in the matter unless it was afraid of a big payout.

    I suspect it is the lessee who is overreacting to some incident which might have affected his licence to sell alcohol. I doubt that the airport manager is involved, or any insurance company.

  3. Says:

    Great, now my wife will want to start hanging out and drinking at the airport just so she gets carded!