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Mike Spence

AB 706 Burning Down the House

Democratic elitists, who know better how to live our lives than we do, are founders of the “Nanny State” in California.    If I can be gender biased,  King of the nanny Staters  Mark Leno from San Francisco, is proposing an environmentalist/nanny bill that will endanger the lives of every family in California

AB 706 seeks to ban two crucial flame retardants in California. These two flame retardants are found in 90 percent of our furniture–couches, beds and even baby cribs—which makes these pieces of furniture less flammable and safer for your family.
Forget the science– ‘Nanny State’ legislators are now considering banning these flame retardants because burning flame retardants are “dangerous” to the environment. 
Forget the facts– fire retardants have actually saved lives and property—still our nannies don’t care! 
And, forget that Leno’s bill does not identify what should replace the retardants to prevent or slow down the growth of a fire. We are trading the known for the unknown.

AB 706 is being heard to in Senate Business today. To help stop the bill click on CRA website here.