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Duane Dichiara

Cox Throws Down the Glove

Our company helped the Lincoln Club elect Cheryl Cox to Mayor of Chula Vista. This post from Red County San Diego’s Hiram Johnson shows her standing strong against labor bosses who are trying to force a major coastal development to use only union labor… GO GET EM MAYOR COX!

Cheers to Chula Vista Mayor Cox for Standing Up to Union THUGS
by Hiram Johnson, Red County San Diego

Talk about UNION THUGS – local union leaders are threatening to kill the development of Chula Vista’s coastline by using their pull with GOVERNMENT regulatory authorities unless the project is made entirely union. Isn’t that called blackmail here in the real world?

But Chula Vista’s Republican elected officials are not taking the union threats quietly. They are standing up and loudly exposing the union’s shady and ham-handed attempt to twist arms. Which is just what this situation needs: the light of day.

From the Union Tribune:

Cox’s voice was tight with emotion as she spoke into an echoing microphone. She said that if this deal fails, the unions will be to blame.

“The No. 1 opportunity to open our bayfront to the public should not be held hostage by labor leaders’ insistence that some workers be excluded and others included,” she said.

Cox was joined at the rally by Chula Vista Councilmen Jerry Rindone and John McCann; National City Mayor Ron Morrison; Imperial Beach Mayor Jim Janney; Port Commissioners Mike Najera, Sylvia Rios and Mike Bixler; and several business groups.

Like Union Bosses aren’t getting enough bad press with the mess they and their pet elected officials made out of San Diego’s City Hall. One can only hope that they keep running their affairs with the subtetly of their pinking ring wearing Chicago-accented peers.

At least SOME union members don’t like the idea of killing thousands of new jobs (from the Union Tribune again):

After Cox’s remarks, a Chula Vista Fire Department union rep began yelling at Jen Badgley, who represents the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which is negotiating with Gaylord.

Firefighter Steve Miller shouted at Badgley: “You make me embarrassed to be a labor leader! If I turned that type of deal down, my union members would stop paying dues!”