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Jon Fleischman

It’s true, Part 2

Just wanted to verify Jubal’s (Matt Cunningham) scoop – the CRP Board of Directors just voted unanimously to confirm Bill Christiansen as an interim Chief Operating Officer of the party.  Bill has agreed to serve until he is replaced.

I caught up with Steve Schmidt, formerly the campaign manager for Governor Schwarzenegger last year, who worked extremely closely with Bill, and he was very pleased with the quick, decisive action of bringing Bill onboard, adding, "The selection of Bill to be the CRP’s new interim COO is an outstanding one.  He was the director of our party-based Victory Operations last election cycle, and I was one of a great many who were impressed with him.  He is experienced and well qualified."

7 Responses to “It’s true, Part 2”

  1. Says:

    Bill does a great job. Thanks for filling in, Bill.

  2. Says:


    Not sure if you are able or willing to divulge the following, but has Christiansen expressed a desire to fill this position permanently or has he clearly indicated that he views his role as being of a temporary nature?

  3. Says:

    Speaking of Steve Schmidt, maybe he can do a blogpost here at FR and tell us how the McCain campaign is doing :)

  4. Says:

    Things are so bad for McCain, that he has been forced to buy foodstamps given to the children of illegal aliens for 50 cents on the dollar just to cut corners and keep the lights on.

    McCains camp has an internet connection…unfortunately, it is only dial-up.

  5. Says:

    I couldnt have had a better boss than Bill.

    He understands the ground game better than most everyone….. and the volunteers love him.

    Good news.

  6. Says:

    Bill Christensen is the wise choice. I commend the CRP leadership my making this quick action, which will restore faith by the rank and file GOP loyalists.

    Now, lets move forward and take our battles with the Democrats, which will be a wild ride as we head into 2008!

  7. Says:

    Thank goodness for Tim Morgan to have a real sense of responsibility about the COO appointment. When I saw Tim at CPAC, I thought he was there soaking up the political atmosphere and shmoozing with presidential candidates. Little did any of us know he was unwittingly there on a process that was totally flawed for a COO appointment. We should give out a CRP whistleblower award to Tim.