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Jon Fleischman

Michelle Malkin weighs in with her conspiracy theory…

Nationally read conservative columnist and pundit Michelle Malkin has penned something on the Kamburowski incident now.  Malkin’s comment:

It is interesting, of course, that the open-borders SFChronicle is suddenly concerned about deportation failures and immigration abuses. Nevertheless, the story is a legitimate story–and the California GOP should be mortified.

Question: Who was behind Kamburowski’s appointment?  Did he have White House connections?

You can read it at her website here.

That said, I think that people are trying to make more of this than need be.  Michael Kamburowski is not the first or last employee who hid information to get a job, and lost his job over it.  Unfortunately, it happens all of the time. 

That said, it is notable that Michael was in a high profile political position, so I am sure that we’ll see more before we see less, on this.