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Brandon Powers

Breaking News: State GOP’s Chief Operating Officer Resigns

I have had it confirmed from reliable sources that Michael Kamburowski, who was retained just months ago as the new COO of the California Republican Party has resigned.  From what I hear, Kamburowski tendered his resignation after the San Francisco Chronicle broke the news this morning that he had been having "issues" regarding his immigration status, is party in a lawsuit against the government, that he briefly was a guest at a New York prison, etc.  

Apparently Kamburowski never told his new employers about any of this.

I guess this leaves two questions to be answered: who will replace Kamburowski, and how much will this hurt new CRP Chairman/world traveler Ron Nehring.  Kamburowksi was a total outsider, never having worked in California, but had Nehring vouching for him to assauge concerns.

6 Responses to “Breaking News: State GOP’s Chief Operating Officer Resigns”

  1. Says:

    He needs to be replaced by someone that is well respected by Party regulars and the money folks. I hope some serious thought is given to this. I would supect that this job nows goes to a US Citizen.

  2. Says:

    Does that mean that Karen Hanretty can stop looking over her shoulders?

  3. Says:

    How much this will hurt Ron depends on the answer to one question: What did Ron know, and when did he know it?

    Unfortunately, IMHO, there’s no positive answer to that question (and I certainly don’t consider myself an enemy of Ron; hell, I helped him move into his temporary digs when he returned to San Diego a few years ago.) If he DIDN’T KNOW before hiring Kamburowski, then he didn’t perform due diligence and failed in his fiduciary duty to the party. If he KNEW, he willfully disregarded his fiduciary duty to the party. I’ll leave the lawyers in the room to determine what that would constitute.

    Again, neither possibility is exculpatory or positive.

    I’m almost sorry to have to apply logic so strictly here, because doing so leaves no positive outcome here. However, it’s going to be a lot easier for people to try to apply fuzzy, feel-good emotionalism here. That’s the wrong answer. This is a situation that demands cold, logical analysis, not warm-and-fuzzies or internal band-aids, to truly prevent a disaster like this from occurring in future.

  4. Says:

    The latest revelations of his background only leads to greater insult. I have been critical of the appointment from day one. Not so much that he was not qualified but that there wasn’t a qualified Californian with history, loyalty, and one who could actually vote.

    The report above answered my question or at least shed light on why a qualified Californian registered republican could have not been found. Apparently, the search was narrow and/or poorly done with little or no research or follow-up on those who submitted resumes.

    It really leaves the question out there if the hiring was done in the best interest of the CRP or was it filled because of personal relationships. I hate to point out the obvious but there is a log of press out there how the leaders of the Republican party (such as Bush) appoint friends and cronnies rather than the best person. If you agree or not agree with that statement doesn’t really matter, it is what’s is out there. It is hard to say and even harder to understand how this could happen as we ramp up in a challenging Presidential election period.

    The Dems are going to have a field day with this one. IT IS NOT WHAT WE NEEDED. I would have expected more from the CRP leadership.

    Richard Rios

  5. Says:

    BTW, where to I apply.

  6. Says:

    Party (or any sort of political) leaders appointing cronies to important positions?

    Say it ain’t so!!!!!