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Jon Fleischman

DeSaulnier’s intentions might be good – but naming public works for colleagues in office is a bad idea…

Over at the Contra Costa Times politics blog, Lisa Vorderbrueggen is reporting that Democrat Assemblyman Mark DeSaulnier has introduced a resolution in the Assembly to name the newly reconstructed Benicia-Martinez Bridge in the East Bay after a politician.  But not Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or some other long-lost but nationally venerable leaders — he wants to name the bridge for the local, incumbent Congressman George Miller…  Nice.  I guess we are starting a new tradition now — if you bring back the pork, you get your name on the project.  This is a terrible idea.
Look, I don’t know George Miller, and this has nothing to do with him being a liberal Democrat.  Republicans who famously procure pork for their districts shouldn’t be glorified either.  For example, Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands) infamously larded the City of Banning with millions to rebuild their Aquatic Center (yes, a pool) but I wouldn’t want Banning Mayor Brenda Salis to rename it after the local Congressman – it’s just wrong.  Just as Bakersfield naming an airport terminal for then Congressman Bill Thomas was a poor decision.  
Presenting the Congressman a resolution to commend him for his hard work on helping to get the bridge built it one thing — but naming bridges for currently-serving politicians is just plain wrong.  (I am sure the Congressman won’t mind voters having to drive by signs with his name on it every day…)

Glorifying the names of currently-serving public officials is a practice that should stop.  Assemblyman DeSaulnier should withdraw his resolution.  If he doesn’t then legislators who agree that creating public edifaces to serving politicians is poor policy should vote against it.
I will conclude my adding that if it would encourage Jerry Lewis to retire sooner, I would support Mayor Salas letting Lewis know that as soon as he does depart the Halls of Congress, they can put a plaque on the "Jerry Lewis Aquatic Center."  Maybe with a little bronze piglet next to his name.

One Response to “DeSaulnier’s intentions might be good – but naming public works for colleagues in office is a bad idea…”

  1. Says:

    Come to Bakersfield where they have names an airport terminal and a college planetarium after our dear former congressman Bill Thomas (and just like his buddy Jerry Lewis) it’s all from pork he brought into the district.