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Jennifer Nelson

Racial and ethnic preferences for illegal immigrants?

In today’s Frontpage magazine, Lloyd Billingsley covers Ward Connerly’s, chairman of American Civil Rights Institute, push to include the "Fairness to Americans Amendment" in Senate Bill 1348, the current immigration reform proposal being considered by the U.S. Senate.  Connerly, as you will recall, led the effort to eliminate racial preferences at the University of California and a successful campaign to eliminate racial and gender preferences in state government.

Connerly’s proposed amendment to SB 1348 reads, in part:

THEREFORE, for purposes of the operation of the civil rights laws of the United States, new immigrants to the United States subject to the Secure Border, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 shall not be considered to be "historically disadvantaged," "underrepresented," or to be in a "protected class" and shall not be entitled to any preferential or remedial employment goals, educational admissions goals or contracting goals by any entity subject to the civil rights laws of the United States.

You can read Billingsley’s entire article on the matter here.