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Jon Fleischman

Despite what U.S. Rep Dreier says (x2), Giuliani says he supports taxpayer funded abortions…

I have a lot of very close friends who are supporting Rudy Giuliani for President. As an officer of the California Republican Party, I am refraining from making any pre-primary endorsements myself.

That said, one of Rudy Giuliani’s most passionate public supporters is California Congressman David Dreier, who heads up our state’s Congressional Republican Caucus.

I noted that on Tuesday, Congressman Dreier was on MSNBC where is claimed that Rudy Giuliani does NOT support taxpayer-funded abortions. Here is the clip:

Back on March 12, Dreier was on the Fox News Channel making the same claim:

Congressman Dreier is a friend, and I hold him in high regard. That said, I am trying to square up Congressman Dreier’s articulation of Mayor Giuliani’s position given that back in April, Giuliani himself said the opposite on CNN – that he does suppor taxpayer funding of abortion:

If Mayor Giuliani wants to make it very clear that he no longer supports public funding for abortions — great! Until then, perhaps Rudy’s campaign to should send a memo to surrogate speakers, so that folks like Congressman Dreier don’t inadverentently give an incorrect position — in this case — twice.

3 Responses to “Despite what U.S. Rep Dreier says (x2), Giuliani says he supports taxpayer funded abortions…”

  1. Says:


    Thank you for your excellent post on Mayor Giuliani’s position on taxpayer funded abortions. Congressman Dreier – I hope you get the updated memo from the Giuliani camp via Jon.

    While I admire Mayor Giuliani’s leadership on 9/11, a President is more than just a crisis manager. The President must also be a leader in a large number of other matters, including abortion, homosexual marriage, our borders, immigration, taxation, foreign policy, trade relations with other nations, interstate commerce, etc. Whether Mayor Giuliani and his supporters want to understand this or not, it remains that the Mayor’s positions on some (not all) of these issues like abortion, immigration and homosexual marriage are HUGE stumbling blocks to conservatives in the Republican Party.

    Either you stand by your principles or you don’t.

  2. Says:

    David Dreier the liar. Where have I seen that before. Oh yeah that’s right…political human scarifice. Can someone please step up and send this guy into retirement already. He’s not even a good liar anymore.

  3. Says:

    It’s amazing how soo many sheep jumped on the Rudy bandwagon sooo early. It’s too bad Drier didn’t know this. Good job Jon and the Flashreport.