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Mike Spence

Who’s Your GOP Nanny?

From now until July 4th the California Republican Assembly is accepting your nominations in the “Who’s Your GOP Nanny?” Contest.

Democrats are known for introducing bills to control every aspect of our lives. In the last few weeks I’ve highlighted some of them. See here and here and here. 

They want to tell Californian’s how to live; where to live; what light bulbs we can use; and, 
what we can eat and drink etc…

Democratic elitists are part of the “Nanny State” – they know better how to live our lives than we do. We know that.  

But what are we to do about Republicans that sponsor or vote for these types of bills?

Give them an award!

From now until July 4th the California Republican Assembly is accepting your nominations in the “Who’s Your GOP Nanny?” Contest.

There is a deserving GOP Legislator who needs recognition for promoting the nanny state.

You can submit your nominations here from June 18 to July 4, 2007. Voting by internet and paper ballot will take place from July 9 through the California Republican Party Convention in September. The Winner will be announced at the CRP Convention September 9, 2007.

List your nominations as a FR comment or click here.