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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: My trip to the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center for the 20th Anniversary of Reagan’s “Tear down this wall!” Speech

Last week, I was invited by my friends at the Young America’s Foundation to travel to Santa Barbara, where the Foundation has its Western presence — through its 1997 acquisition of President Ronald Reagan’s 600 acre mountain ranch, Rancho Del Cielo, and where they subsequently built the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara — a state of the art conference center which acts as a headquarters for training thousands of young people about the conservative principles which Reagan espoused and lived.

Last Tuesday, at the Reagan Ranch Center, the Foundation hosted a special event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s prophetic speech at the Brandenburg Gate in a then-divided Berlin where Reagan appealed to the Soviet Premiere, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

About a hundred and fifty of us were on hand for the festivities, which started with well known conservative talk show host Michael Medved (pictured) broadcasting his radio program live from the Reagan Ranch Center. It was a great program and if you would like to hear the podcast of that show click here.

**There is more – click the link**

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