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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay

After you’ve built one of the most successful investment banking institutions in America, served as the California Republican Party’s Finance Chairman, set up charities supporting private and charter schools and maintains an excellent long term marriage to Kathy his first bride, what then? 

Well, President Bush appointed Frank Baxter to serve as American’s Ambassador  to the "Switzerland of South America". Uruguay is not quite Switzerland, it’s run by moderate socialists. Naturally, Michelle and I wanted to see Frank and Kathy next time we were in the area. 

So we [Pub Note: "we" is Shawn and his wife, Michelle, a member of the State Board of Equalization] found ourselves in the area last week. Frank set up dinner for us with leaders of 4 political parties. We even had an interpreter when discussing California politics. The current government is composed of a left of center regime, but they are not violently anti American. Frank can take some credit. President Bush visited Uruguay recently, with an extremely rare visit to that country. Next door, across the Rio De La Plato [the Spanish were hoping for a lot of silver] fascist Chavez held a rally in Buenos Aires, to oppose Bush’s visit. The Uruguayans were not amused. 

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay”

  1. Says:


    Really enjoyed your article on Frank. He is such an accomplished gentleman, and also very generous.

    We are proud to have him as a Founding Member of NM Los Angeles.

    Best regards,


  2. Says:


    I’m glad to read that Frank is doing well. However, there are education battles galore that are being fought here in CA. We really need Frank to return and help us fight them.

    Larry Sand