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Jill Buck

Republicans’ Responsibility to the World (Part II)

My blog today is the second half of yesterday’s piece. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, it’s best to do so before reading below…click here.

Both PRI’s Josh Trevino and Dr. Pipes agreed that Iraq, Iran, Israel, Islamism, and Islam in Europe are the most important issues of our era. If that is true, and I believe it is, then Republicans have a tremendous responsibility to the world in 2008.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Democratic primary voters will not use the “who-is-best-suited-to-vanquish-our-most-dangerous-enemy-to-date” measuring stick to choose their nominee to lead the free world through the crisis of warring ideals. If they were, you’d only hear crickets at Obama rallies, because he’s no more prepared to be leader of the free world than my 10 year old is to be in the NHL…maybe someday, on both accounts, but not for many years. Democrats are looking for a presidential candidate who will attend to all their unresolved childhood issues: someone to take care of me when I’m sick; someone who will make sure I always get an allowance even if I don’t do my chores; someone who will write a note to the teacher about my bullies so I don’t have to deal with it directly; someone who will blame the school board (not me) when I get D’s on my report card; and most importantly, someone who will encourage and reward my arrested development in rebellious adolescent years, and let me act like a bratty teenager my whole life. They want a candidate that doesn’t make them feel bad for their worst, most cowardly character traits. And if they succeed in electing their ideal candidate…the world will go up in flames around us, as we tend to matters inside our own house as though the riot in the street just outside won’t affect us if we simply lock the door.

So it is up to Republicans to ensure we choose a nominee with the character traits, experience and background to lead our nation through what may possibly be the most profound challenge to our way of life that our young country has ever faced. In my humble opinion, John McCain is the obvious choice, and I also believe that all the current opposition to the immigration bill he supports will help shape an even better policy. He put a draft out on the table, and the healthy debate that ensued is the process through which the draft will be refined to gain consensus. I don’t believe that bill should be the litmus test for supporting his presidential bid. It is true that immigration is inextricably linked to the war on radical Islamists, and that is why the President and Senator McCain are so ardent about border security, making sure we send illegals back to their country of origin before they can enter the queue for citizenship, and ensuring we can track who comes into this country. They are trying, and we need to engage in supportive efforts to help shape this bill to its final form.

But make no mistake my friends…we won’t have the luxury of debating immigration (or Perata’s healthcare plan, or the Governor’s lawsuit against the EPA, or prison bonds, need I go on?)… if we don’t elect a Commander-in-Chief who can utterly and unapologetically defeat terrorists and radical Islamists.

2 Responses to “Republicans’ Responsibility to the World (Part II)”

  1. Says:

    Your 10 year old must be a helluva hockey player.

  2. Says:

    I’m his mom, so I don’t even try to be objective, but I think he fore checks like a little Steve Yzerman. He’s an awesome little left winger! (:

    And that’s the only brand of “left wing” in our house…

    Now Steve, if you should ever see me with my kids in Sacto, please say “heckuva”. Despite having once been in the middle of a bunch of potty mouth sailors, we try to keep it “G” rated around the kiddos. (: