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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep Dreier: Giuliani’s the Man to Secure Our Borders

This oped by Congressman David Dreier appeared in today’s Inland Valley Daily Bulletin:

Giuliani’s The Man To Secure Our Borders

Rudy Giuliani understands the problems of illegal immigration. He knows that without securing our border and knowing who is in our country, we will not be able to keep our citizens safe.

That is why I am pleased that Rudy has been at the forefront of this border security debate by advocating a tamper-proof card tied to a common database that government agencies would be able to access, allowing us to know who is in the country, why they are here, and where they are. Immigrants who overstay their visas will be able to be quickly found and escorted out of the country.

The recent arrests in the Fort Dix terror plot reveal how serious the illegal immigration problem is. Three of those arrested were in this country illegally. Had it not been for the tremendous efforts of federal and state officials, a massive shooting could have taken place on an Army base.

However, with the tamper-proof card and the common database, police would have quickly been able to figure out who is in this country illegally, particularly visa overstays, and call in the proper authorities to deal with the situation.

See the rest of the piece here.