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Barry Jantz

Letter to God as a Reference for Jack Orr

Over the weekend, the FR main page included some links to stories about the Saturday passing of longtime GOP consultant Jack Orr.  Duane Dichiara also posted a tribute to Jack yesterday.

Today on Red County/San Diego, Ernie Cowan of the North SD County Association of Realtors posts an open letter in tribute to his friend:

To God. Letter of Reference for Mr. Jack Orr

As a founding member of the Albondigas Political Society and a person who considered Jack Orr a deep personal friend, I don’t think we can go without assisting him as much as possible. His loss saddens us greatly, but knowing him brightened our lives and filled many of our days with fun and excitement. 

Jack, old friend, you will be missed terribly, but thank you for contributing so much to so many.

To: God
Subject: Letter of Reference for Mr. Jack Orr

Dear God:

It is with sadness that I provide this letter of reference for one Mr. Jack Orr. I know you are a bit surprised that he has applied with you, but despite his gruff exterior and the ability to cut the heart out of a political lion, he is a well educated man of good character and tender heart.

I have fought in the trenches with Mr. Orr and know him as a brave political soldier, willing to take the slings and arrows from all sides while supplying his army with all of the necessary weapons to win the war.

He is a bare knuckle fighter one moment and a friend who can shed a tear with you the next. When my beloved dog died, Jack called me in tears to tell me he wanted to buy me a new puppy. He was feared by some, but loved by many.

He would hate for his friends to find out, but he loved classical music and his life’s dream was to travel to Europe and see the classic operas in their native languages. He also loved horses.

It is my hope that you have a good horse ready for him, and an eternal place with an ocean view near a fine opera house. But most of all, his greatest thrill would be to conduct a spirited and well funded independent expenditure campaign against Satan.

I could not recommend a person more highly than Mr. Orr.

Your Friend,
